
Haben Sie Fragen oder benötigen Sie zusätzliche Informationen?

Planen Sie eine Investition, benötigen technischen Rat oder eine Rutschbewertung?

Unser Team wird Ihnen die Details des Angebots präsentieren und Sie in technischen Angelegenheiten beraten. Denken Sie daran, uns alle Informationen über die von Ihnen vorhandenen Gestaltungsrichtlinien zu geben.

Wir informieren Sie, dass der Kontakt mit unserem Unternehmen in Polnisch und Englisch möglich ist. Sie können uns telefonisch, per E-Mail oder über das verfügbare Kontaktformular oder Angebotsformular erreichen. Wir laden Sie zur Zusammenarbeit ein.

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Send us a quick message or use the quote form

      Information for the quotation

      All information is optional - the more you provide, the better!

      or provide another one

      Attach at the bottom of the form a file (preferably in .dwg format) with precise room dimensions including:

      • Clearly marked exact place where the slide is to start.

      • Height differences - between layers/supporting elements, to which the slide is to be attached.

      • Wall layout (in top-down orthogonal projection) with the place designated for the slide marked.

      • Marked remaining objects/room fittings that could potentially pose obstacles.

      • Additionally, inform if there are circumstances complicating the slide installation (e.g. underfloor heating, narrow passageways in the building on the way to the installation place, lack of access for a lift, etc.)

      • Photos from the place of installation are welcome.

      Provide the height of the slope in the above part of the form and we will estimate the slide with the most optimal incline based on this. ATTENTION! Such a solution may require modernization of the slope using heavy construction equipment.

      However, if you wish the slide to be shape-matched to the existing slope, attach at the bottom of the form a terrain map (scale 1:1; units [mm]) in .dwg format, with numerous altitude ordinates marked or at least a dimensioned sketch of the slope profile (including height [cm] and incline [°]) and photos of the slope from several perspectives ?


      Additional Information

      Additional message (optional):

      Contact details

      +48 790 721 444
      ul. Żytnia 2, 86-005 Kruszyn Krajeński