
Outdoor slides – exciting thrills and outdoor fun!

Outdoor slides are designed for outdoor use. For this reason, they are made from materials resistant to weather conditions – in the case of our DEINOX slides, this is stainless steel, which is sturdy, durable, and resistant to corrosion.

They come in different types such as double wall slides, tunnel and tube slides , scoop slides are often tailored to the needs and expectations of users. Outdoor slides are perfect for use in public and private areas.

Modern design makes outdoor slides visually attractive and perfectly fit into different spaces. Purchasing an outdoor slide is an investment in a long-lasting and attractive form of activity for children and adults, which contributes to improving the quality of life and great fun!

Types of DEINOX outdoor slides

Each of our slides can serve as either an outdoor slide for fresh air or an indoor one! This means we have no restrictions on the types of outdoor slides. We distinguish three main types of slides:

Outdoor slides can have any shape – curved, with a wave, straight, or freefall (brachistochrone curve). Browse all the available types of slides we offer to choose the perfect design for you!

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Why choose DEINOX outdoor slides?

Versatile application of outdoor slides

DEINOX outdoor slides are an ideal choice for parks, playgrounds, schools, kindergartens, and even private areas such as playgrounds in housing estates. Thanks to their durability and resistance to weather conditions, our slides are a great addition to any outdoor space.

Stainless steel outdoor slides are an investment for years

Choosing DEINOX outdoor slides, you invest in products that will stand the test of time. Thanks to their stainless steel construction, our slides are not only aesthetic but also durable and resistant to various weather conditions. The use of such high-quality materials means that your slide will serve for years, providing endless fun and excitement.

Safety of DEINOX outdoor slides

Our outdoor slides are constructed with all safety standards in mind. Their geometric features minimize the risk of injuries, and the quality of materials used ensures durability and stability. We apply safety standards EN 1176 and EN 1177.

DEINOX – Manufacturer of outdoor slides


We are experts in the design, production, and assembly of outdoor slides. We take care of every detail, making DEINOX slides not only durable and safe but also visually attractive. Our experience in the industry allows us to create slides that meet the highest standards.

We focus on high-quality materials and safety of use, thanks to which we create slides that will serve for many years. If you are interested in our offer, contact us and ask about a custom design of side-walled slides.

Outdoor slide Implementations

We can boast numerous implementations of outdoor slides. Our slides serve children and adults in many countries, delivering thrills and joy. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our portfolio to see how our slides perform in different locations.

Why should you choose us?

We take care of the entire slide implementation process!

Custom slide designs

We create tailored slide designs that take into account the needs and requirements of the customer.

Various technological solutions

We adapt slides to terrain conditions and ensure maximum comfort and safety for users.

Production and assembly

We produce slides at our factory in Poland, and at the request of our customers, we can install them at the final location.

Documentation and technical drawings

We provide full documentation and technical drawings to enable correct assembly, maintenance, and use of the slide.

Certificates of conformity

We issue certificates of conformity confirming that the slides meet all standards and safety requirements.

Complete set of instructions

We offer a complete set of instructions aimed at ensuring safe and effective use of the slide.

Material certificates

We have material certificates that confirm the quality of the materials we use.

Long-term warranty

We provide a 5-year warranty on our slides, which gives our customers peace of mind and assurance that they are durable and high quality.

FAQ – Outdoor slides

Frequently asked questions and answers about outdoor slides

Yes, outdoor slides made of stainless steel are highly resistant to corrosion and various weather conditions. The stainless steel from which we make our slides is characterized by exceptional resistance to the action of moisture, variable temperatures, and other factors that could threaten their durability.

The dimensions of outdoor slides can vary depending on the shape (straight, curved, spiral) and the preferred height. Our offer includes both smaller slides, ideal for small spaces, and large structures for parks or playgrounds. When implementing a project, we take into account the specifics of a given place and customer expectations, which allows us to adjust the dimensions and shape of the slide to individual needs.

Thanks to the use of high-quality stainless steel, our outdoor slides can serve without problems for many years. With proper maintenance and regular inspection, their lifespan can reach even several decades. This is a solid and long-term investment that will bring joy to many generations of users.

It is recommended to conduct technical inspections of slides at least once a year. This will allow for checking the condition of the structure and possible detection of minor faults before they become a problem. As for maintenance, it depends on the specifics of a given location and weather conditions – in some cases, more frequent cleaning may be necessary. It is important to remember regular maintenance of slide cleanliness, which will allow keeping it in good condition for a long time.